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Dutch inno-tech projects to be located in Suzhou

Lately, an event showcasing ingenious modern technology products was hosted at the Netherlands Development Facility (NIC) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

The NIC is a tech center that focuses on providing services for innovation and entrepreneurship. It plays a vital role in cultivating collaborations in between Suzhou and the Netherlands in different sectors. The NIC has established innovation and incubation centers in Suzhou High-Speed Rail New Community and Amsterdam, with a concentrate on locations like smart transport innovation, Industrial Internet, and huge data. This has actually brought in job sources and aided boost commercial growth in these regions.

At the occasion, 5 CEOs (Pieter Hack, Hamed Mehdipoor, Tjewei Hu, Theodor Preststulen, and Metin Emenullahi from Dutch business RedStack, Spectro-AG, C-CUBE International, Mavisoft, and Agcurate, respectively) offered discussions on sophisticated jobs of blue power, AI drone, rust layer smart sensing tool, AI-based industrial discovery software, and AI-based smart agriculture satellite tracking, respectively, further promoting the matching of innovation and innovation demands of sci-tech ventures and sci-tech success transformation jobs. Deals of the blue power job and the AI drone project were finally tattooed with the NIC. Later, both projects will be introduced to the China-Netherlands Modern Technology Advancement Port in Suzhou中荷(苏州)科技创新港, injecting brand-new inspiration into neighborhood industrial development.

Suzhou’s Xiangcheng Area showcased its enhanced organization climate and offered a thorough review of the Sino-Dutch (Suzhou) Industrial Teamwork Development Park’s operations.

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